

  • How Can an Estate Plan Help
    December 13, 2024
    How Can an Estate Plan Help
    How can an estate plan help? I've heard a lot about estate plans and that I should have an estate plan,  but how does that actually help? And an estate plan essentially covers both the things that we know will eventually happen and the unexpected. Imagine that you are in a car accident, and now you're in the hospital. Who is paying your bills? Who is making
  • What is the “Death Tax”? How Many People Actually Need to Worry About It?
    December 6, 2024
    What is the “Death Tax”? How Many People Actually Need to Worry About It?
    What is the death tax and how many people actually need to worry about that? Death taxes are a catchall term for taxes associated with someone's passing, and generally, people are talking about either estate tax or inheritance tax. And I will skip to the punch with Georgia residents, we don't have inheritance tax, we don't have a estate tax, but federally, there is a estate tax
  • How to Fund a Trust
    November 25, 2024
    How to Fund a Trust
    I've got a trust, but I'm not sure it's funded or even what that means. Hi, I'm Sarah Siedentopf. I'm an estate planning attorney in Atlanta, Georgia. Funding your trust is such an important thing and such a misunderstood thing, so that's what we're gonna discuss today. What is funding a trust? And the first thing I want you to think about is an empty box. So
  • Can a Trust Replace My Will?
    November 22, 2024
    Can a Trust Replace My Will?
    If you have a trust, can it replace your will? And my advice is, probably it should not. The deal with wills, of course, is that they have to go through probate. And so in order to make whatever you've put in your will happen, we have to apply to the probate court, fill out the correct forms, get the correct signatures, everything has to look perfect,
  • Intergenerational Wealth: Trustees and Trust Protectors
    November 18, 2024
    Intergenerational Wealth: Trustees and Trust Protectors
    I've got grandchildren and I wanna make sure they're provided for. I don't wanna leave everything just to my children and you know, hope they manage it well. I'm Sarah Siedentopf, I'm an estate planning attorney in Atlanta, Georgia. Intergenerational wealth, so the transfer to multiple generations down to your children, let them manage it, figure out what to do with it on their end and then
  • Who Should I Name as a Trustee in My Estate Plan
    November 15, 2024
    Who Should I Name as a Trustee in My Estate Plan
    Who should I name as a trustee in my estate plan? I'm thinking about a trust, I'm thinking about a will that has a trust inside it, but I'm kind of stuck on who should be trustee. The first thing to think about when you're trying to decide who should be trustee is what are the actual roles and duties of the trustee? For many, many trusts,
  • Creditors and Your Estate Plan
    October 28, 2024
    Creditors and Your Estate Plan
    I'm worried about my creditors and what will happen to my estate and my family after I've passed away. What happens with my mortgage? What happens with my student loans? What happens with my other debts? I'm Sarah Siedentopf. I'm an estate planning attorney in Atlanta, Georgia, and that's what we're gonna discuss. What happens with debts after you pass away. And the first thing to know
  • How Do I Know What Assets I Have?
    October 15, 2024
    How Do I Know What Assets I Have?
    Today we are taking a close look at assets! Asset is a fancy word used in the legal and financial world to describe things that hold value. Meanwhile debts are used to describe monies owed. The tricky thing here is that you may actually hold a debt on an asset! Whether you’re here hoping to learn more about your own net worth or trying to ascertain what assets
  • Trust Distribution Examples
    October 15, 2024
    Trust Distribution Examples
    Are you considering a Trust but don’t know how the money practically gets to the beneficiaries after your death? This article addresses just a few of the more popular types of distribution options and how those work. Health, Education, Maintenance, and Support This option allows the trustee to release funds to pay for the beneficiary’s specific needs as they pertain to health, education, maintenance, and support. Often
  • Who Makes Legal, Financial, and Medical Decisions When I’m Unable?
    October 15, 2024
    Who Makes Legal, Financial, and Medical Decisions When I’m Unable?
    Have you ever wondered who will make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to? Today we delve into what happens if you are incapacitated or unavailable to make decisions and what you can do to safeguard your wishes. Who Makes Legal, Financial, and Medical Decisions When I'm Unable? This really depends on what documentation you have in place. If you have no documentation in place, and