

  • Setting Up Power of Attorney for Your Kids While on Vacation
    January 6, 2025
    Setting Up Power of Attorney for Your Kids While on Vacation
    Isn’t vacation amazing? Vacation me is the very best version of me. Carefree and responsibility free! I try new things and new foods and the sunsets are always better on vacation. Vacations are awesome. But when you are the parent of a minor child, vacations can feel selfish or even irresponsible. Who will make medical decisions for my child if something happens and I’m far away? What if
  • 7 Times You Should Update Your Will or Estate Plan
    March 14, 2024
    7 Times You Should Update Your Will or Estate Plan
    Having your estate plan completed is such a relief! You've crossed a big item off your to-do list. But estate planning is not a one-and-done thing. It's a lifelong process. And while having it "done" is a major accomplishment worthy of celebration, it's important to review your plan annually. That way if changes are needed, they can be addressed. Let's walk through 7 times you should update your
  • Setting Up a Trust for Your Child: Avoid These Mistakes
    April 1, 2022
    Setting Up a Trust for Your Child: Avoid These Mistakes
    Many people’s first thought when they hear “trust for children” is of wealthy “trust fund babies” — a term that doesn’t have very positive connotations. Perhaps you’re imagining a spoiled kid who won’t have to work a day in their life.  The truth is that many families of varying income levels set up trusts for their children as part of their estate planning. These trusts are generally not created
  • Estate Planning Priorities For a Fresh Start
    January 7, 2021
    Estate Planning Priorities For a Fresh Start
    One of the advantages of the New Year is that it provides us all with a fresh start. An opportunity to set new goals, projects, and priorities. If you’ve been thinking about creating an estate plan, or if you’re interested in learning how to best protect your loved ones and legacy, now is the time to get started. STEP ONE: Review Your Family Situation The first step in
  • 5 Things An Estate Attorney Can Do, That DIY Estate Planning Services Can’t
    November 4, 2020
    5 Things An Estate Attorney Can Do, That DIY Estate Planning Services Can’t
    Summary: While D.I.Y. estate planning websites offer low-cost, computer-generated forms, potential customers should proceed with caution. The sites cannot provide guidance or legal advice, and any mistakes made can have a significant impact on your estate and your beneficiaries. Estate planning attorneys can address any concerns, help spot potential issues, guide you through the different options, and make sure that your paperwork is accurate and adheres to any
  • Don’t Mess Up Your Estate Plan! Five Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them 
    September 2, 2020
    Don’t Mess Up Your Estate Plan! Five Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them 
    Summary: When you're creating your estate plan, even a minor mistake can lead to major future problems. We're looking at five common estate planning errors and how to avoid them: 1) failing to create an estate plan, 2) failing to protect yourself while you're alive, 3) failing to update your beneficiaries, 4) failing to maintain records, and 5) failing to communicate your wishes. Having a complete and up-to-date
  • Preventing Estate Planning Disputes Among Siblings
    August 5, 2020
    Preventing Estate Planning Disputes Among Siblings
    Summary: Even the most well-intentioned person can create rifts among their children, if their estate plan is not carefully crafted or their intentions communicated. To prevent sibling animosity, a parent should 1) select the right executor for their estate, 2) create an inventory of assets that will be distributed, and 3) have an honest and transparent conversation with their family.  The purpose of an estate plan is to
  • Why Proper Estate Planning Is So Important
    July 1, 2020
    Why Proper Estate Planning Is So Important
    Summary: An estate plan is a legal tool that enables you to protect yourself, your family, and your assets. While it may seem awkward or stressful to begin working on your estate plan, remember: this is your opportunity to take care of your loved ones and protect your life’s work.  Why Proper Estate Planning Is So Important An estate plan is a legal tool that enables you to
  • At What Age Should My Child Inherit Money?
    March 6, 2020
    At What Age Should My Child Inherit Money?
    While it may be awkward or uncomfortable to consider your own mortality, if you have minor children, it is important to think about their protection and well-being. An estate plan can help shape the course of their lives if you are not able to do so yourself. However, it is just as important to consider when your children will inherit as it is what your children will be inheriting. You probably sought
  • Estate Planning Documents For Your High School Graduate
    June 6, 2019
    Estate Planning Documents For Your High School Graduate
    Summary: To ensure that parents can continue protecting their children from a financial and legal standpoint, it is a good idea for the new graduates to have some basic estate planning documents in place, such as a Financial Power of Attorney and an Advance Directive for Health Care. Many Georgia parents have recently had the pleasure of watching their teenage sons and daughters walk the high school stage