Isn’t vacation amazing? Vacation me is the very best version of me. Carefree and responsibility free! I try new things and new foods and the sunsets are always better on vacation. Vacations are awesome.
But when you are the parent of a minor child, vacations can feel selfish or even irresponsible. Who will make medical decisions for my child if something happens and I’m far away? What if I forgot to tell the school that someone other than me is picking them up? What if the kids need money and I don’t leave enough cash? All the unknowns are scary and can often make taking a vacation feel like a luxury that parents can’t afford. But we’re here to help alleviate some of that stress. There are documents you can have prepared ahead of time that will ensure your child’s caretaker can handle all of those what-ifs!
Let’s take a closer look at Power of Attorney and Standby Guardians and how these documents can save you worry and stress.
Power of Attorney
A power of attorney gives an individual or entity legal decision making power on your behalf. This person, called an agent, can act on your behalf to make financial and legal decisions.
So, for instance, say you were on vacation and it was discovered that your child’s tuition for daycare was due. You weren’t able to access internet to make the payment and if you don’t make that payment your kid will lose their spot. If you named someone power of attorney, they could write a check and sign as your agent. Problem solved!
This particular document is very important when it comes to financial decision making.
But what about medical decision making for your child? A power of attorney document will also empower someone to make medical decisions on behalf of your child if you cannot be reached. So, if your child has a fall and breaks a bone, your agent can get them the care and treatment they need.
When you name the person or people who are caring for your children as your power of attorney provides the caretaker with everything they need to fully care for your child in any situation. At the same time, it provides your child with complete care and provides you with peace of mind. Imagine being able to fully relax because your child is well cared for and the person you left them with has the legal authority they need to act on your child’s behalf in any situation.
The wonderful thing about Powers of Attorney is that you can determine when they are effective. So, you can name a power of attorney to act as your agent only during the dates of your vacation if you so desire.
A Power of Attorney document is a wonderful way to plan for your kids-free vacation. But what about events out of your control?
Standby Guardian
A standby guardian is a person or persons you name to act as your child’s guardian in the event that you are alive but unable to care for them yourself. Examples of this could be that you are hospitalized, incarcerated, or missing.
We always recommend that the standby guardian you designate live within one hour of you so that they can quickly get to your children and care for them should you be unable to.
This type of guardianship is temporary and would be superseded by the guardian named in your Will if you were to pass away. So rest assured that even if your local guardian wouldn’t be your choice for long-term care, they aren’t. They are just standing by to jump in and care for your kids on the off-chance you become unable to while you are living.
Being a parent is hard but rewarding work and you deserve a vacation! This article is not meant to scare you out of taking one. Rather, it is to encourage you to get the proper documentation in place so that you can totally enjoy your vacation with peace of mind because your kids are covered while you are away. Call us at (404) 736-6066 to schedule a consultation.